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Format Detection API


Format detection for diabetes device data files.

This module provides functionality to detect device formats by examining file structure. It validates only the presence of required tables and columns, without checking data content.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) module-attribute

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Diabetes Data Format Detection Tool') module-attribute

args = parser.parse_args() module-attribute

file_path = Path(args.file_path) module-attribute

registry = FormatRegistry() module-attribute

detector = FormatDetector(registry) module-attribute


Container for structure validation results.

Source code in src/file_parser/
class ValidationResult:
    """Container for structure validation results."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.missing_tables: List[str] = []
        self.missing_columns: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}  # table: [columns]

    def has_errors(self) -> bool:
        """Check if any validation errors exist."""
        return bool(self.missing_tables or self.missing_columns)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Format validation errors as string."""
        errors = []
        if self.missing_tables:
            errors.append(f"Missing tables: {', '.join(self.missing_tables)}")
        if self.missing_columns:
            for current_table, columns in self.missing_columns.items():
                    f"Missing required columns in {current_table}: {', '.join(columns)}"
        return "\n".join(errors)

missing_tables: List[str] = [] instance-attribute

missing_columns: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} instance-attribute


Source code in src/file_parser/
def __init__(self):
    self.missing_tables: List[str] = []
    self.missing_columns: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}  # table: [columns]

has_errors() -> bool

Check if any validation errors exist.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def has_errors(self) -> bool:
    """Check if any validation errors exist."""
    return bool(self.missing_tables or self.missing_columns)

__str__() -> str

Format validation errors as string.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Format validation errors as string."""
    errors = []
    if self.missing_tables:
        errors.append(f"Missing tables: {', '.join(self.missing_tables)}")
    if self.missing_columns:
        for current_table, columns in self.missing_columns.items():
                f"Missing required columns in {current_table}: {', '.join(columns)}"
    return "\n".join(errors)


Detects device formats by examining file structure.

Source code in src/file_parser/
class FormatDetector:
    """Detects device formats by examining file structure."""

    def __init__(self, format_registry: FormatRegistry):
        """Initialize detector with format registry."""
        self._registry = format_registry

    def detect_format(
        self, path: Path
    ) -> Tuple[Optional[DeviceFormat], Optional[str], Dict[str, ValidationResult]]:
        """Detect format of provided file.

            path: Path to the file to check

            Tuple containing:
                - Matched format (or None)
                - Error message (or None)
                - Dictionary of validation results per format tried

            >>> detector = FormatDetector(registry)
            >>> fmt, error, results = detector.detect_format(Path("data.sqlite"))
            >>> if fmt:
            ...     print(f"Matched format: {}")
            ... else:
            ...     print(f"No match: {error}")
        logger.debug("Starting format detection for: %s", path)
        val_results = {}

            # Validate file exists and is readable
            if not self._validate_file_exists(path):
                return None, f"File not found or not accessible: {path}", {}

            # Get potential formats based on file extension
            potential_formats = self._registry.get_formats_for_file(path)
            if not potential_formats:
                return None, f"No formats available for {path.suffix} files", {}

            # Try each format
            for fmt in potential_formats:
                    val_test_result = ValidationResult()
                    if self._validate_format(path, fmt, val_test_result):
                        logger.debug("Successfully matched format: %s",
                        return fmt, None, val_results
                    val_results[] = val_test_result
                except FormatValidationError as e:
                    logger.debug("Error validating format %s: %s",, str(e))

            return None, "No matching format found", val_results

        except FileAccessError as e:
            logger.error("Unexpected error during format detection: %s", str(e))
            return None, f"Detection error: {str(e)}", {}

    def _validate_file_exists(self, path: Path) -> bool:
        """Validate file exists and is accessible."""
            return path.exists() and path.is_file()
        except Exception as e:
            raise FileAccessError(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}") from e

    def _validate_format(
        self, path: Path, fmt: DeviceFormat, validation_result: ValidationResult
    ) -> bool:
        """Validate if file matches format definition."""
        for config in fmt.files:
            validator = self._get_validator(config.file_type)
            if validator is None:
                logger.warning("No validator available for %s", config.file_type.value)
                return False
                if not validator(path, config, validation_result):
                    return False
            except FormatValidationError as e:
                logger.debug("Validation failed: %s", {str(e)})
                return False
        return True

    def _get_validator(self, file_type: FileType):
        """Get appropriate validation function for file type."""
        validators = {
            FileType.SQLITE: self._validate_sqlite,
            FileType.CSV: self._validate_csv,
            FileType.JSON: self._validate_json,
            FileType.XML: self._validate_xml,
        return validators.get(file_type)

    def _validate_sqlite(
        self, path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult
    ) -> bool:
        """Validate SQLite file structure."""
            engine = create_engine(f"sqlite:///{path}")
            inspector = inspect(engine)

            # Get all tables (case sensitive)
            actual_tables = {name: name for name in inspector.get_table_names()}

            # Check each required table
            for required_table in config.tables:
                table_name =
                if table_name not in actual_tables:

                # Check columns
                columns = inspector.get_columns(table_name)
                column_names = {col["name"] for col in columns}

                # Check required columns exist in file
                required_columns = {
                    for col in required_table.columns
                    if col.requirement != ColumnRequirement.OPTIONAL
                missing = required_columns - column_names
                if missing:
                    val_result.missing_columns[] = [
                        for col in required_table.columns
                        if col.requirement != ColumnRequirement.OPTIONAL
                        and col.source_name in missing

            return not val_result.has_errors()

        except FormatValidationError as e:
            logger.debug("SQLite validation error: %s", str(e))
            return False

    def _validate_csv(self, path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool:
        """Validate CSV file structure."""
            # Read CSV headers only
            df = pd.read_csv(path, nrows=0)
            columns = {col.lower() for col in df.columns}

            # CSV should have exactly one table
            csv_table = config.tables[0]

            # Check required columns
            required_columns = {
                col.source_name.lower() for col in csv_table.columns if col.required
            missing = required_columns - columns
            if missing:
                val_result.missing_columns[""] = [
                    for col in csv_table.columns
                    if col.required and col.source_name.lower() in missing

            return not val_result.has_errors()

        except FormatValidationError as e:
            logger.debug("CSV validation error: %s", str(e))
            return False

    def _validate_json(self, path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool:
        """Validate JSON file structure."""
            with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
                data = json.load(f)

            for json_table in config.tables:
                if isinstance(data, list):
                    if not data:
                    record = data[0]
                    if not in data:
                    record = (
                        if isinstance(data[], list)
                        else data[]

                # Check required fields
                fields = {k.lower() for k in record.keys()}
                required_fields = {
                    for col in json_table.columns
                    if col.required
                missing = required_fields - fields
                if missing:
                    val_result.missing_columns[] = [
                        for col in json_table.columns
                        if col.required and col.source_name.lower() in missing

            return not val_result.has_errors()

        except FormatValidationError as e:
            logger.debug("JSON validation error: %s", str(e))
            return False

    def _validate_xml(self, path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool:
        """Validate XML file structure."""
            tree = ET.parse(path)
            root = tree.getroot()

            for xml_table in config.tables:
                elements = root.findall(f".//{}")
                if not elements:

                # Check first element
                element = elements[0]
                fields = set()
                fields.update(child.tag for child in element)
                fields = {f.lower() for f in fields}

                required_fields = {
                    col.source_name.lower() for col in xml_table.columns if col.required
                missing = required_fields - fields
                if missing:
                    val_result.missing_columns[] = [
                        for col in xml_table.columns
                        if col.required and col.source_name.lower() in missing

            return not val_result.has_errors()

        except FormatValidationError as e:
            logger.debug("XML validation error: %s", str(e))
            return False

_registry = format_registry instance-attribute

__init__(format_registry: FormatRegistry)

Initialize detector with format registry.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def __init__(self, format_registry: FormatRegistry):
    """Initialize detector with format registry."""
    self._registry = format_registry

detect_format(path: Path) -> Tuple[Optional[DeviceFormat], Optional[str], Dict[str, ValidationResult]]

Detect format of provided file.


Name Type Description Default
path Path

Path to the file to check



Type Description
Tuple[Optional[DeviceFormat], Optional[str], Dict[str, ValidationResult]]

Tuple containing: - Matched format (or None) - Error message (or None) - Dictionary of validation results per format tried


detector = FormatDetector(registry) fmt, error, results = detector.detect_format(Path("data.sqlite")) if fmt: ... print(f"Matched format: {}") ... else: ... print(f"No match: {error}")

Source code in src/file_parser/
def detect_format(
    self, path: Path
) -> Tuple[Optional[DeviceFormat], Optional[str], Dict[str, ValidationResult]]:
    """Detect format of provided file.

        path: Path to the file to check

        Tuple containing:
            - Matched format (or None)
            - Error message (or None)
            - Dictionary of validation results per format tried

        >>> detector = FormatDetector(registry)
        >>> fmt, error, results = detector.detect_format(Path("data.sqlite"))
        >>> if fmt:
        ...     print(f"Matched format: {}")
        ... else:
        ...     print(f"No match: {error}")
    logger.debug("Starting format detection for: %s", path)
    val_results = {}

        # Validate file exists and is readable
        if not self._validate_file_exists(path):
            return None, f"File not found or not accessible: {path}", {}

        # Get potential formats based on file extension
        potential_formats = self._registry.get_formats_for_file(path)
        if not potential_formats:
            return None, f"No formats available for {path.suffix} files", {}

        # Try each format
        for fmt in potential_formats:
                val_test_result = ValidationResult()
                if self._validate_format(path, fmt, val_test_result):
                    logger.debug("Successfully matched format: %s",
                    return fmt, None, val_results
                val_results[] = val_test_result
            except FormatValidationError as e:
                logger.debug("Error validating format %s: %s",, str(e))

        return None, "No matching format found", val_results

    except FileAccessError as e:
        logger.error("Unexpected error during format detection: %s", str(e))
        return None, f"Detection error: {str(e)}", {}

_validate_file_exists(path: Path) -> bool

Validate file exists and is accessible.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def _validate_file_exists(self, path: Path) -> bool:
    """Validate file exists and is accessible."""
        return path.exists() and path.is_file()
    except Exception as e:
        raise FileAccessError(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}") from e

_validate_format(path: Path, fmt: DeviceFormat, validation_result: ValidationResult) -> bool

Validate if file matches format definition.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def _validate_format(
    self, path: Path, fmt: DeviceFormat, validation_result: ValidationResult
) -> bool:
    """Validate if file matches format definition."""
    for config in fmt.files:
        validator = self._get_validator(config.file_type)
        if validator is None:
            logger.warning("No validator available for %s", config.file_type.value)
            return False
            if not validator(path, config, validation_result):
                return False
        except FormatValidationError as e:
            logger.debug("Validation failed: %s", {str(e)})
            return False
    return True

_get_validator(file_type: FileType)

Get appropriate validation function for file type.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def _get_validator(self, file_type: FileType):
    """Get appropriate validation function for file type."""
    validators = {
        FileType.SQLITE: self._validate_sqlite,
        FileType.CSV: self._validate_csv,
        FileType.JSON: self._validate_json,
        FileType.XML: self._validate_xml,
    return validators.get(file_type)

_validate_sqlite(path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool

Validate SQLite file structure.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def _validate_sqlite(
    self, path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult
) -> bool:
    """Validate SQLite file structure."""
        engine = create_engine(f"sqlite:///{path}")
        inspector = inspect(engine)

        # Get all tables (case sensitive)
        actual_tables = {name: name for name in inspector.get_table_names()}

        # Check each required table
        for required_table in config.tables:
            table_name =
            if table_name not in actual_tables:

            # Check columns
            columns = inspector.get_columns(table_name)
            column_names = {col["name"] for col in columns}

            # Check required columns exist in file
            required_columns = {
                for col in required_table.columns
                if col.requirement != ColumnRequirement.OPTIONAL
            missing = required_columns - column_names
            if missing:
                val_result.missing_columns[] = [
                    for col in required_table.columns
                    if col.requirement != ColumnRequirement.OPTIONAL
                    and col.source_name in missing

        return not val_result.has_errors()

    except FormatValidationError as e:
        logger.debug("SQLite validation error: %s", str(e))
        return False

_validate_csv(path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool

Validate CSV file structure.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def _validate_csv(self, path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool:
    """Validate CSV file structure."""
        # Read CSV headers only
        df = pd.read_csv(path, nrows=0)
        columns = {col.lower() for col in df.columns}

        # CSV should have exactly one table
        csv_table = config.tables[0]

        # Check required columns
        required_columns = {
            col.source_name.lower() for col in csv_table.columns if col.required
        missing = required_columns - columns
        if missing:
            val_result.missing_columns[""] = [
                for col in csv_table.columns
                if col.required and col.source_name.lower() in missing

        return not val_result.has_errors()

    except FormatValidationError as e:
        logger.debug("CSV validation error: %s", str(e))
        return False

_validate_json(path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool

Validate JSON file structure.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def _validate_json(self, path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool:
    """Validate JSON file structure."""
        with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            data = json.load(f)

        for json_table in config.tables:
            if isinstance(data, list):
                if not data:
                record = data[0]
                if not in data:
                record = (
                    if isinstance(data[], list)
                    else data[]

            # Check required fields
            fields = {k.lower() for k in record.keys()}
            required_fields = {
                for col in json_table.columns
                if col.required
            missing = required_fields - fields
            if missing:
                val_result.missing_columns[] = [
                    for col in json_table.columns
                    if col.required and col.source_name.lower() in missing

        return not val_result.has_errors()

    except FormatValidationError as e:
        logger.debug("JSON validation error: %s", str(e))
        return False

_validate_xml(path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool

Validate XML file structure.

Source code in src/file_parser/
def _validate_xml(self, path: Path, config, val_result: ValidationResult) -> bool:
    """Validate XML file structure."""
        tree = ET.parse(path)
        root = tree.getroot()

        for xml_table in config.tables:
            elements = root.findall(f".//{}")
            if not elements:

            # Check first element
            element = elements[0]
            fields = set()
            fields.update(child.tag for child in element)
            fields = {f.lower() for f in fields}

            required_fields = {
                col.source_name.lower() for col in xml_table.columns if col.required
            missing = required_fields - fields
            if missing:
                val_result.missing_columns[] = [
                    for col in xml_table.columns
                    if col.required and col.source_name.lower() in missing

        return not val_result.has_errors()

    except FormatValidationError as e:
        logger.debug("XML validation error: %s", str(e))
        return False